SEI researchers presented fundamental concepts and the most recent developments on climate finance, the COP27 process, circular economy, sustainable finance and green bonds to government officials in Cairo, Egypt.
Developing sustainable businesses. Photo: Galeanu Mihai / Getty Images Plus.
In close collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden in Cairo, the Swedish and Egypt Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the two-day executive education program represented a successful example of knowledge exchange ahead of COP27.
SEI organized this executive training program on sustainable finance, climate finance and circular economy for 25 representatives of the Egyptian Ministries of Environment, Finance and Planning and Economic Development at the Swedish Embassy in Cairo.
A team consisting of representatives from SEI and Stockholm School of Economics delivered both in-person and online sessions. In the first day, SEI’s Katie Browne discussed the climate finance landscape and George Marbuah emphasized the role of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs). Fedra Vabhuyse and Shogofa Rezaie presented their latest research and case studies on the circular economy.
Hanna Setterberg from Stockholm School of Economics kicked off the second day with the main concepts behind sustainable finance, while SEI’s Aaron Maltais discussed the latest developments and challenges faced by this emerging sector. George Marbuah offered insights into his research on green bonds in Africa, while Daniel Duma wrapped up the program with a discussion on crowding in private finance for the SDGs.
“We enjoyed the fruitful dialogue between all the officials and representatives from the Egyptian side of the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning and Economic Development,” the Swedish Embassy in Cairo wrote on their LinkedIn account.
A big thank you to Hanna Setterberg and the contributing SEI team featured below!
Team Leader: International Climate Risk and Adaptation; Research Fellow
SEI Headquarters
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