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A vast field of soy plants in the foreground with a white truck driving on a road in the middle ground, flanked by lush green trees in the background, under an overcast sky.

BEDROCK: Building an evidence-base for deforestation-free landscapes: supporting equitable outcomes in and beyond commodity supply-chains

Understanding and improving the performance of supply-chain policies aimed at halting tropical deforestation.

Active project


Our food systems are major drivers of global change and are in urgent need of a sustainability transition. Recent years have seen a groundswell of commitments from companies, financial institutions, and governments to make supply chains for key commodities (such as palm oil, soy, and beef) more sustainable, including by eliminating their link to tropical deforestation. But delivery on these pledges has been extremely poor to date.

BEDROCK analyzes what measures are likely to be more effective by addressing two inter-linked objectives: (i) what theories of change, data and methods are needed to create an evaluation framework that can provide a more system-level understanding of the impact of supply-chain interventions, (ii) which are the “best-bet” policy portfolios that are most synergistic in their ability to drive down deforestation while also minimizing the risk of undesirable or unintended consequences.

The research consortium brings together experienced researchers with a strong track record across land-use science, economics, political, natural and sustainability science. Importantly, BEDROCK has been designed to allow strong co-development by stakeholders to ensure the relevance and uptake of policy insights generated


BEDROCK is funded by the Belmont Forum and its collaborative research action on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production.


Mairon G. Bastos Lima
Mairon G. Bastos Lima

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Toby Gardner
Toby Gardner

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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