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Ukraine’s Grid Resilience and Infrastructure Development Excellence (UA-GRIDEX)

The UA-GRIDEX project assists Ukrainian energy planners in enhancing the region’s energy system’s resilience through higher decentralisation and improved digitalisation for better energy efficiency.

Active project


UA-GRIDEX aims to address critical needs within Ukraine’s energy system, with a focus on two main objectives. Firstly, the project strives to enhance the resilience of the energy infrastructure. It aims to support the public sector, specifically the energy planners, in adopting strategic measures to ensure the stability and resilience of the energy system. This includes considering decentralised utility systems and small-scale technologies aligned with EU standards, which is especially important given those areas which host internally displaced people (IDPs), businesses, and relocated industries from conflict-affected areas.

Secondly, the project seeks to facilitate the digitalisation of energy systems by overcoming barriers associated with smart meter deployment, such as financing, regulatory complexities, privacy concerns, and business models. Drawing on the successful experiences of Estonia and Sweden in utilising smart meters, the project aims to share valuable insights to help Ukraine modernise its energy systems.

In summary, the project, facilitated by SEI Tallinn and Energikontor, aims to empower Ukrainian energy planners, enhance energy infrastructure resilience, and promote sustainability and energy efficiency through local capacity building.

SEI Tallinn contributes practical experience in energy modelling for decentralisation, risk assessment in network resilience, and solution development. Moreover, applying its legal energy expertise in crafting regulatory revisions and policy prescriptions for digitalisation, SEI Tallinn aims to implement a social survey, which will be conducted to understand the challenges of smart meter adoption for demand management. Given Ukraine’s ongoing installation of smart meters in residential areas, this can help the country optimise its energy consumption and develop its energy system structure along with modernisation considerations. The results of the project will be utilised to form collaboration within local authorities to streamline smart meter applications and energy system resilience enhancement not merely in Ukraine but applicable in other EU Member States or candidates. The capacity-building sessions will also foster the capacity-building to keep the models updated and maintain resilience.

Project partners

  • SEI Tallinn
  • Energikontor Syd


"Funded by Swedish Institute" logo

SEI team

Gowtham Muthukumaran

Expert (Climate Systems and Energy Policy Unit)

SEI Tallinn

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