Co-led by Gary Haq, the Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate project aims to better understand how extreme weather is impacting older people across the UK. This event invites members of the public and key stakeholders to shape future research on this subject.
Climate related extreme weather events (e.g. flood, heatwaves and storms) pose significant challenges and opportunities for how we can support older people to age well within communities. In response, there is an urgent need to deliver place-based interventions that harness the contribution older people can make to climate action, and to build climate resilience through individual, social and community level interventions.
An older woman joins a demonstration for climate action.
Photo: iStock / Getty Images Plus
The Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate project has recently completed an exciting programme of research which engaged with older people and key stakeholders in the UK to conduct priority mapping workshops, community engagement events, and co-design workshops. The project is co-led by Senior Research Associate Gary Haq at SEI York, along with research colleagues from Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University.
This event will present the results and findings from this process and invites contributions from UK key stakeholders, organisations and members of the public interested in these issues. The aim is to further shape the project’s recommendations and to identify next steps for achieving climate-resilient, age-friendly cities in the UK.
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