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What is the evidence on the differential impact of mineral mining on local social groups already experiencing marginalisation and through which mechanisms these impacts occur?

By synthesising evidence on differential local impacts of mineral mining, this protocol aims to identify in what ways and through which mechanisms critical mineral mining affects local social groups already experiencing marginalisation and the mechanisms by which these impacts occur.


Macura, B., Wagner, C., Mautner, M., Forni, L., Betancur Jaramillo, J. C., Coleoni, C., & McDougall, C. (2023). What is the evidence on the differential impact of mineral mining on local social groups already experiencing marginalisation and through which mechanisms these impacts occur?: a Other Configurative Reviews (e.g. evidence maps or scoping reviews). PROCEED-23-00148 Available from:

Review planning document

The methodological plan for this review that includes details about the review questions, scope and method for searching, screening, coding  and synthesis is available in the PROCEED (an open access registry of titles and protocols for prospective evidence syntheses in the environmental sector). The protocol can be accessed here.

SEI authors

Biljana Macura
Biljana Macura

Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead

SEI Headquarters

Women in red shirt smiling in portrait
Charlotte Wagner



Marina Mautner



Laura Forni

Water Program Director


Juan Camilo Betancur Jaramillo

Research Assistant

SEI Latin America

Cláudia Coleoni

Research Associate

SEI Latin America

Cynthia McDougall

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Asia

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