Do you feel that the water sector needs a tangible visualization tool to illustrate urban water flows? Join us in creating a set of diagrams – water stories – that will enable a more holistic urban water management and advocate for the human right to water and sanitation.
Photo: fanjianhua / Getty Images.
The water sector is missing an intuitive tool that tells the story of urban water flows to a broad audience. Let’s create a set of diagrams – water stories – together that will enable a more sustainable urban water management, advocate for the human right to water and sanitation and foster the collaboration between the integrated water resources management and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) communities.
This tool will link natural and human systems as well as supply and demand, and point out equity and ecological issues. It aims to become the standard instrument for understanding urban water flows. In our interactive session, we will introduce our idea with three diverse case studies.
In extensive breakout discussions we seek your creativity and ideas to further develop the tool and to learn more about the needs of potential users. Graphic recorders will capture the findings of every breakout room and a poll will give us insights on how to continue with the initiative. Human rights defenders, members of parliaments, practitioners, civil servants, urban planners, community leaders, researchers and members of intergovernmental organizations are invited to put their heads together and co-create a tangible tool to tell the story of urban water flows. Session repetition: 26 August 2021, 21:00–22:25 CEST.
1) Welcome and introduction
2) Preventing Day Zero
3) Case study
4) Breakout sessions
Room 1: Policymakers & Lobbyists
Room 2: Utilities
Room 3: Human right advocates
Room 4: Water users
Visual Recording:
5) Visual feedback coffee
6) Next steps/Closing
End of session
The session is open to all registered participants of World Water Week 2021. Register below to attend.
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