The status quo to addressing water challenges is Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). While the past three decades have seen IWRM having a profound impact on water planning practices, it has not yet yielded sustainable water outcomes. The results can inadvertently create conflict, exclude critical users, or ignore gaps in water management.
As highlighted across the SDGs, key gaps in sustainable and equitable water access require looking at what happens beyond the watershed, thinking about inclusive participatory approaches, climate-oriented actions, the macroeconomic impacts around water, and consideration for ecosystems.
To address these gaps, we have invited panelists from different geographies and professional backgrounds, from the local to the government level, to share their experiences and best practices, and discuss what could be our joint next steps to fulfill the Water Action Agenda. Focused on the Interactive Dialogue 3 “Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment” from a cross-sector and a multi-country perspective, our panelists will be discussing the following action points:
Our invited panelists are committed to achieving SDG 6 and have partnered with SEI in previous and ongoing initiatives, such as the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Bolivia WATCH program (WASH Thinking Connected to Hydrology, applied to three priority river basins in Bolivia—Upper La Paz, Pampa-Huari and Tupiza), Water Beyond Boundaries initiative (with case studies in Colombia’s Magdalena-Cauca River basin and Thailand’s Lower Songkhram River, a tributary of the Mekong River), Rwanda’s hydro-economic and climate change analysis (HECCA) supported by the World Bank, USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity in Central Asia, SEI’s Strategy for the Ocean and Biodiversity, and ecosystem consideration in water planning and management in California.
Our 75-min in-person side event inside the UN Headquarters will be structured with panels and discussions, as follows:
Opening Remarks by Dr. Marisa Escobar, Water Program Director at the Stockholm Environment Institute (5 minutes)
Followed by three 20-min panels:
Moderated by Dr. Annette Huber-Lee, Senior Scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute
Dr. Emmanuel Rukundo, Director General at Rwanda Water Resources Board (TBC)
Ms. Joy Busolo, Senior Water Resources Management Specialist at the World Bank
Mr. Thanapon Piman, Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute
Moderated by Dr. Marisa Escobar, Water Program Director at the Stockholm Environment Institute
Mr. Grant Davis, General Manager at California’s Sonoma Water Utility, United States
Dr. Johan Kling, Head of Department for Water Resources Management at the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Dr. David Lymer, Deputy Head of Unit, Senior Water, Sanitation and Ocean Policy Specialist at Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) (TBC)
Moderated by Ms. Cláudia Coleoni, Research Associate at the Stockholm Environment Institute
Mr. Fabián Caicedo, Director of Integrated Water Resources Management at Colombia’s Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development
Ms. Marissa Castro, Director General of Limits, Borders and International Transboundary Waters at Bolivia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mrs. Rayén Quiroga, Head of the Water and Energy Unit, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL)
Dr. Karina Barquet, Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead Water Coasts and Ocean at the Stockholm Environment Institute
Ms. Maria Vink, Senior Program Specialist, Water Security, Department for International Organizations and Policy Support at Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
SEI’s mission is to support decision-making and induce change toward sustainable development around the world by providing integrative knowledge that bridges science, policy and practice in the field of environment and development. We are committed to advancing with the Water Action Agenda and continuing the stakeholder dialogues across sectors, geographies, and scales beyond the UN 2023 Water Conference. Read about SEI’s commitment and Water Actions.
Close-up shot of a man holding his hands under a stream of water outdoors. Photo: PeopleImages / Getty
Date & time
Thursday, March 23, 17:00 – 18:15.
Side Event, Conference Room C, UN Headquarters
New York, NY 10017, United States.
Perspective / A diverse array of leaders will gather in a rare UN water conference. SEI experts suggest three ways to foster a more water-resilient world.
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