Energy scenarios play a key role in guiding the energy transformation needed to meet the 1.5°C temperature limit under the Paris Agreement. These scenarios can influence investor expectations and policy decisions.
A new IISD report aims to provide policy-makers, investors and companies with information on how to align energy decision-making with Paris Agreement goals. Join this webinar for an analysis moderated by SEI US Scientist Ploy Achakulwisut.
The webinar will provide a first look at the key findings from IISD’s new report highlighting the implications of 1.5°C scenarios for fossil fuel phase-out and renewables scale-up, barriers to those transitions and solutions to such challenges, and tools for governments and financial institutions to navigate the current energy crisis while maintaining climate ambition.
Panellists from intergovernmental organizations and the scientific community will reflect on the key findings of the report and discuss its implications for energy decision-making.
Moderator’s welcome
Keynote remarks
Presentation of findings
Panel discussion
Closing remarks
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