This paper describes the approach and results of using creative methods for mobility and road safety planning outcomes in two East African cities.
Placemaking event on Luthuli Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya demonstrating how streetscapes can be re-designed to be more inclusive for pedestrians and cyclists. Photo: i-CMiiST.
Inclusively delivering the sustainable development goals (SDGs) remains challenging, particularly in urban areas, where some of the most pressing concerns exist. To achieve the transformative SDG agenda, new methods are required to overcome current deficits in engagement around inclusion and equitable outcomes.
Evaluating against theories of governance and inclusion, the study described in the paper used a mixture of digital and physical creative methods abilities to deliver co-designed solutions that influence mobility and road safety planning outcomes in East African cities.
Greater inclusion led to improved interactions of citizens with decision makers, and the identification of novel, practical solutions, delivering some elements of transformation. Risks include creative methods being used to co-opt communities to official agendas, and institutional planning norms needing to adapt to respond to a wider range of stakeholders.
Overall, where risks are mitigated, the authors recommend that using creative methods could localise SDG delivery, ensuring more equitable and effective outcomes from infrastructure development investments.
Design and development by Soapbox.