EUREAPA is an online scenario modelling and policy assessment tool created for the One Planet Economy Network. It uses a sophisticated economic input-output model to understand the environmental pressures associated with consumption activities.
The scenario functions in EUREAPA enable decision makers to answer questions about the effects of policy on environment, consumption, industry and trade, thus helping to formulate strategies for sustainable consumption and production in Europe and beyond.
EUREAPA contains baseline data on greenhouse gas emissions, ecological footprints and water footprints for every EU member state and 18 other countries and regions of the world. At the heart of EUREAPA is an environmentally extended multi-region input-output model which combines tables from national economic accounts and trade statistics with data from environmental and footprint accounts.
The extensive data system models the flow of goods and services between 45 countries and regions covering the global economy for 57 individual sectors over a year. The sectors cover a range from agricultural and manufacturing industries to transport, recreational, health and financial services. Supplemented with detailed carbon, ecological and water footprint data, EUREAPA can account for the full supply chain impacts associated with the food people eat, the clothes they buy, the products they consume or the way they travel. This allows the user to look at the impacts of consumption activities in the context of lifestyles or national differences.
One of EUREAPA’s most important functions is the scenario editor. This can be used to explore the environmental pressures associated with changes in population, consumption patterns, production technology or trade. In addition to providing a consistent set of indicator estimates for the footprint family, EUREAPA makes this information useful and easily accessible to decision makers through a range of benchmarking, analytical and visualization facilities. It is possible to identify differences in footprints across countries from consumer and producer perspectives, and also to break down environmental impacts along global supply chains to identify footprint hot-spots.
Using EUREAPA you can:
Design and development by Soapbox.