The Industry Transition Tracker is an online interactive database that allows users to find industry transition roadmaps in one place and compare, contrast and identify trends in the decarbonization plans of different countries, regions and industry sectors.
Graphic: LeadIT / SEI.
The Industry Transition Tracker gathers national and regional industry transition roadmaps from all G20 countries. For our purpose, roadmaps refer to strategic long-term decarbonization plans, visions and pathways that include decarbonization targets.
The Transition Tracker aims to facilitate analysis of and research into the decarbonization of hard-to-abate industry sectors, which globally cause 30% of greenhouse gas emissions.
The country profile feature allows users to look at the conditions of a specific country.
With the data from industry transition roadmaps gathered in one place, users are able to analyze the content of roadmaps across different countries, regions and industry sectors. The Transition Tracker also enables users to understand the policy levers, financing needs and technology demands that are seen as necessary to implement the roadmaps and achieve the decarbonization targets, all in an engaging and interactive manner. It is a useful tool for government officials, company representatives, trade bodies, researchers, and other civil society or industry transition stakeholders.
The Transition Tracker was commissioned by the Leadership for Industry Transition (LeadIT) Group. The LeadIT Secretariat is hosted by SEI.
Design and development by Soapbox.