The Sanitation and Health team of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) will participate at the VI Latin American Sanitation Conference (LatinoSan), highlighting the results of the Bolivia WATCH Program and the work of the SEI on sustainable sanitation.
LatinoSan is an event organized every three years since 2007 that aims to position sanitation as a priority in the Latin American region and stimulate new actions towards Sustainable Development Goal 6.
Photo: Nicki / Pixabay.
11:05–11:10am Introduction
11:20–11:30am Lecture
11:20–11:30am Round table
Moderated by: Carla Liera, SEI
This session will take place in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation into English and Portuguese.
Webinar Registration – Zoom
Meeting ID: 854 0108 4700
Salón Esmeralda del Hotel Regina, Tiquipaya, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Moderator: Nhilce Esquivel, SEI – Introduction (5 minutes)
Closing remarks: Luis Guzmán, EU (5 minutes)
SEI brief / Clean and Green is the first rural sanitation implementation framework that explicitly addresses efficient local resource management
3:50–4:50 pm
Session 4.1 “Integrated solid waste management and its impact on water bodies”
Feature / SEI's Sanitation and Health team will participate at the VI Latin American Sanitation Conference (LatinoSan) 2022, highlighting Bolivia WATCH and sanitation.
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