This report presents a summary of an assessment undertaken to understand the awareness that transport planners and decision-makers have of catering for the needs of disadvantaged groups. This includes the challenges transport planners and decision-makers face in incorporating the views of disadvantaged groups and climate resilience in the planning process.
Transport challenges faced by disabled road users in Uganda. Photo: Wasike Yusuf Arby / SEI.
The aim of the needs assessment was to determine the main challenges transport planners and decision-makers encounter in meeting the mobility needs of disadvantaged groups in the four project countries of Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia. It also examined the awareness of the risks that climate change poses to the transport system, and the consideration given to climate resilience. In addition, the study took the opportunity to gather evidence from additional Western, Eastern and Southern African countries by including the results of a regional survey in this assessment.
The assessment does not claim to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation in each African country. However, this broad sample does highlight common challenges encountered by disadvantaged groups, transport planners and decision-makers in the current transport planning process.
The assessment used a mixed-method approach consisting of a regional survey (135 participants), national focus groups (55) and stakeholder interviews (51), covering the countries. Based on the feedback received, a number of common challenges have been identified. These are:
On the strength of these, the following common needs can be identified, which will have to be addressed if the four countries are to achieve an inclusive climate-resilient transport system:
The findings of the needs assessment will inform the next stage of the research project, which aims to provide a Guidance Framework to support inclusive climate-resilient transport planning in Africa for transport planners, decision-makers and representatives of disadvantaged groups.
This needs assessment is part of a research project entitled “Inclusive Climate-Resilient Transport Planning in Africa”. The overall objective of this project is to understand how the voice of disadvantaged groups can be better integrated in the transport planning process in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Africa.
In particular, the project examines how the mobility needs of low-income disadvantaged groups can be met in a changing climate, and how transport infrastructure can be made climate-resilient.
The research is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) through the High Volume Transport (HVT) Applied Research Programme (2017– 2023), which is managed by IMC Worldwide Ltd (IMC). It is being undertaken in collaboration with the Zambia Road Safety Trust, local consultants in Uganda and with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Share the Road Programme’s “Investing in Walking and Cycling Policies in African Cities” project.
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