This regional workshop on land-based mitigation technologies (LMTs) brings together stakeholders to review and evaluate land-based mitigation options in the Africa region, focusing on:
Rural landscape with mountains, fields and vineyard, Western Cape Province (South Africa)
Photo: InnaFelker/GettyImages
The workshop takes input from various research results, syntheses and stakeholder engagements that have been carried out at local, national, or regional levels, and can be divided into three main types:
The models are limited in the number of LMTs that can be evaluated and thus five were chosen:
There is limited discussion on LMTs not modelled as appropriate to their national or regional significance. After presentations on selected issues outlined above, workshop participants will be asked to debate and evaluate LMTs, levels of ambition, and regional engagement options, thereby contributing to a set of narratives to be developed later to capture these elements.
08.30-09.00 AM | Arrival, coffee, introductions |
09.00-9.10 AM | Welcoming remarks by Dr. Philip Osano |
09.10-10.30 AM | Part I: Introduction to the workshop
10.30-10.45 AM |
Coffee break |
10.45 AM-12.30 PM |
Part II: Climate Ambition for LMTs
12.30-13.30 PM |
Lunch break |
13.30-15.15 PM
Part III: Regional Engagement for scaling up LMTs.
15.15-15.30 PM |
Coffee break |
15.30-17.00 PM
Part IV: Synthesis
17.00-17.30 PM |
Final remarks |
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