In an interview with Radio Sweden, SEI’s Research and Deputy Director Åsa Persson, shared her thoughts after the conclusion of the international Climate Change Negotiations in Dubai (COP28).
All country flags at COP28 in Dubai.
Photo: Lynsi Burton / SEI.
I think it’s a mixed success. It is historic that this agreement says that the world needs to transition away from fossil fuels – that means all fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas. In previous agreements only coal has been mentioned explicitly, so it is historic.
Åsa Persson, SEI Research and Deputy Director
But there are some conditions and loopholes that mean that we might not see that rapid and absolute phase-out that many countries and the climate movement has called for, she continued.
“Certainly, given the fact that many oil and gas exporting states are completely dependent on production of fossil fuels and the revenues it brings to their countries and their economies, I think it is a breakthrough to have these words in the agreement,” Åsa Persson said in the interview. “But, as we know, these are words on paper, and we need to see the plans and the implementation to really make it happen on the ground.”
Persson also mentioned that many businesses, governments and international organizations attended COP28, trying to push different solutions to the climate challenge – and that brings some optimism that we are heading in the right direction.
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