The AgriFoSe2030 programme invites you to join the launch of the second volume of its edible insects cookbook on 26 October 2023 (10.00am – 12.45pm CET).
Traditional dish of mole tostada topped with grasshoppers from Oaxaca, Mexico. Photo credit: Rodrigo Ojeda
Recent increases in population, food security challenges and the effects of unsustainable agricultural practices have underscored the need for alternative proteins. Edible insects are rich in protein, micronutrients, amino acids and antioxidants and have been a part of local diets in Africa and Asia for generations. However knowledge around the benefits and culinary advantages of edible insects is lacking.
In view of this, the AgriFoSe2030 programme invites you to join the launch of the second volume of the cookbook titled “Edible Insects: Food for the Future”. The event, which will be hosted on-site by Chinhoyi University in Zimbabwe, promises to provide an exciting array of insect dishes, their nutritional value and some inspiration on creative and exciting ways to include edible insects in everyday meals. It will also be live-streamed on YouTube.
The second volume in the series follows two initial cookbooks; “Secrets of African Edible Insects cookery” and “Les Délices de Mikese” (Mikese’s Delicacies), which won 1st prize in the Best Innovation Category Awards at the Gourmand Awards 2022 in Umeå.
The AgriFoSe2030 programme is sponsored by SIDA and contributes to reducing hunger and food insecurity through translating scientific evidence into policy and practice. The cookbooks are examples of how science translation for societal benefit can be practically achieved.
SEI’s communications and impact officers Ng’endo Machua and Selorm Kugbega will contribute to the event. See here for more information and read the cookbook here.
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