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The Innovating for Equity (I4E) Initiative aims to promote inclusive and resilient aquacultural nature-based climate solutions (NbCS) in the Asia-Pacific region. The Initiative enhances the breadth of stakeholder perspectives informing AQUADAPT and strengthens AQUADAPT project teams’ knowledge and capacities to carry out relevant, impactful, and gender and socially inclusive and equitable research on NbCS in aquaculture.
Cynthia McDougall / cynthia.mcdougall@sei.orgSizwile Khoza / sizwile.khoza@sei.org
Photo: Zinko Hein / Unsplash.
Aquaculture has the potential to be an effective climate solution that addresses environmental and social challenges, such as pollution, inequality, nutrition security, and livelihood security. For this, it is critical that the development of aquaculture as a nature-based climate solution (NbCS) is responsive to and empowering for women and historically marginalized groups, and enhances their full access to equal opportunities and equitable outcomes.
Yet innovation towards these nature-based solutions may inadvertently exacerbate inequities or fail to meet the needs of those relying the most on aquaculture. Specifically, innovations may draw on the perspectives of a limited range of stakeholders, such as technical aquaculture researchers or more powerful aquaculture chain actors. In conjunction with this, there is a significant risk of aquaculture research taking a gender-blind approach or being weak or token in its gender and social inclusion. Understanding divergent perspectives on what key challenges are, what aquacultural NbCS entail, whose knowledge and needs count, and which solutions to prioritize, requires the use of intersectional and transdisciplinary approaches that account for the lived experiences of all relevant actors.
The Innovating for Equity Initiative will support both research and practice on advancing gender equality and social inclusion. The Initiative includes two components. Component 1 will apply a transdisciplinary approach to identify the diverse perspectives on nature-based climate challenges and solutions in aquaculture. This will improve the potential for relevance and client-responsiveness—and thus uptake and use—of AQUADAPT findings and innovation, ultimately contributing to more inclusive, equitable and effective technologies, practices and policies in the sector. Component 2 will provide programmatic support and capacity development to promote peer-to-peer learning across the AQUADAPT portfolio. This will help create the foundation for AQUADAPT project teams to apply current, fit-for-purpose gender, equality and social inclusion best practices in their aquacultural NbCS research. This will set AQUADAPT up for overall success in terms of gender-responsiveness and socially inclusive design and practices.
The Innovating for Equity Initiative is led by the Stockholm Environment Institute as part of the Nature-based Climate Solutions in Aquacultural Food Systems in Asia-Pacific initiative (AQUADAPT), which is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). AQUADAPT is a 4-year, CA$23 million initiative aimed at driving research-action toward inclusive nature-based aquaculture solutions and at better understanding how such solutions can contribute to climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and food security across the Asia-Pacific region.
The Initiative will work in close partnership with the entire AQUADAPT portfolio across Cambodia, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vietnam.
See here for more information on AQUADAPT: https://idrc-crdi.ca/en/initiative/aquadapt
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